We’ll schedule vacation for the World Cup…

Actually, in a valiant attempt to continue working while at the same time watching as many matches as possible, Tenant B and I tried to set up the old TV currently gathering dust in the garage in the office this weekend, after discovering what looked like a cable connection behind my desk. We rearranged the whole office to make space for the idiot box, only to discover after desperately trying to tune in ESPN2 and getting a whole lot of nothing, that that was one of the cables we severed outside when we rewired for the other TVs in the house… anyway, the upshot of all of that was that we’d already cleaned half of my desk to move the printer over from the changing table (long story: suffice it to say that I’ve never seen a piece of IKEA furniture that’s actually used for the purpose it was intended), so it seemed sensible to clean the rest of my desk before the horrible, soul-destroying Greece match started. And, why yes, I can shout “Shoot the goalkeeper” in perfect, if according to the SO endearingly accented, Greek.

Oh well, one team out, two to go.

Also, the fall list. It’s getting there. Really.

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