Author Archives: casperianbooks
We’ll schedule vacation for the World Cup…
Actually, in a valiant attempt to continue working while at the same time watching as many matches as possible, Tenant B and I tried to set up the old TV currently gathering dust in the garage in the office this … Continue reading
Jeff Vande Zande, the author mentioned in our last post, has just written a very complimentary review of The Tea House as well. Other than that, we here at Casperian Books are incredibly busy juggling the fall list with Euro … Continue reading
Couple of links
There’s a fan review of Quid Pro Quo up at the Uniquely Pleasurable website. Then check out this author. Instead of blasting us with several pages worth of capslocked abuse after we declined to review his novel (I kid you … Continue reading
Quid Pro Quo starts shipping Tuesday, May 27th!
We’re pleased to announce the release of Manna Francis’ new novel Quid Pro Quo, the second book in the Administration series, which continues the story arc surrounding the near future dystopia of New London, professional investigator and interrogator Val Toreth, … Continue reading
Read an extract from End Credits by A. F. Rützy
Having successfully managed to drag my mother away from the nickel slots (curiously, the air conditioning in Harrah’s did not bother her), we returned to an overflowing e-mail inbox, which included an e-mail from A.F. Rützy letting us know that … Continue reading
Supersecret Quid Pro Quo Pre-Sale
Certain parties (I’m looking at you MMWD, with utmost love and respect, of course) are starting to make grabby hands for Quid Pro Quo by Manna Francis. Since our first print run just arrived, we’re having a supersecret pre-sale, letting … Continue reading
Review of End Credits
End Credits by A. F. Rützy has a very, very nice review up at Small Press Reviews.
By the way, did we mention that Without Wax is in stock at Powell’s Books (Burnside)? If you’re in the general Portland vicinity, why not head down there, admire the book, and maybe even purchase it? You’d be supporting both … Continue reading
Constance Speaks!
Was that dramatic enough? Constance, copywriter par excellence, will be contributing an occasional column here, and this is her introduction: Copywriting Lily has asked me to address potential authors regarding what I am reading for when I write a blurb. … Continue reading
Fair Warning
The US Postal Service is raising its rates next Monday (the 12th), which will affect our shipping rates, since we have to pass those increases on to our customers. So if you’ve been toying with buying one (or more) of … Continue reading
Winning Queries, Take Three
This was the original query for Without Wax: Dear Lily, I have enclosed for your consideration the opening 5,000 words of a documentary novel entitled WITHOUT WAX. Wax Williams is the biggest star in the adult film world, but he … Continue reading
Winning Queries, Take Two
After very much enjoying the writing sample submitted together with this query letter, we requested the entire manuscript to review and placed it in our work queue. When we followed up a few weeks later with a status update, we … Continue reading
Winning Queries, Take One
We’re getting a lot of queries at the moment, and the most important rule about querying anyone obviously is to follow that party’s submission guidelines/requirements, but I also figure it might be helpful for the authors out there to see … Continue reading
End Credits by A. F. Rützy
Today, we are pleased to announce the release of A. F. Rützy’s wryly comic and wonderfully weird debut, End Credits, a novel about life, death, and truth in advertising. Its protagonist, Raymond Kessel, is dead. Or is he? Death, it … Continue reading
Useful Toys
My mom is currently cavorting around New York City, trying to get acclimatized to a US time zone on her way here to visit for a month, with the result that Dad’s been bumming around the Internet a lot more … Continue reading
A New Experience
This weekend I found a letter in our PO Box from an inmate at an Oregon prison asking us to donate books to the prison library he’s trying to build. Now, it’s not that we’re not in favor libraries in … Continue reading
April Sale!
There’s a passage in Terry Pratchett’s Maskerade where a publishing entrepreneur mutters, “I don’t know, authors wanting to be paid, good grief–” and storms off in a tizzy, which is a little how I feel whenever I start calculating royalty … Continue reading
And the winner is…
The advance copy of Manna Francis’ Quid Pro Quo will be going to Cristin in Connecticut!
Ever dumped someone because of their taste in books?
The New York Times Book Review has a rather interesting article up called It’s Not You, It’s Your Books, which is about maintaining a relationship with someone whose reading tastes don’t mesh with your own. I can’t say I’ve ever … Continue reading
New review of Without Wax
There’s another very nice review of Without Wax up at NewPages. And don’t forget, until March 31st, you have a chance to win an advance copy of Manna Francis’ Quid Pro Quo if you purchase any of our titles from … Continue reading