Rock Dance by Jack Ballard Jr.

We are pleased to announce the release of Rock Dance by Jack Ballard Jr.

In a small Colorado town, Dusty Palmberg spends his days rock climbing and volunteering with the local search-and-rescue organization.

When an airplane goes down in the backcountry, SAR volunteers do what they’ve done hundreds of times before: they head out into the wilderness to save the victims. But the pilot’s affiliation with the CIA means that what should have been a simple extraction turns into a disastrous multi-agency recovery operation in the middle of the season’s first real snowstorm, and the rescuers themselves require rescuing.

When the airplane is buried by an avalanche, something in the pilot’s luggage the CIA is desperate to get back is lost as well, and FBI agent Kelly Frey is ordered to retrieve the mysterious item. But to do that, he needs the help of somebody who really knows the backcountry, and before long, Dusty finds himself back in the wilderness.

You can read the first chapter here.

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