News Roundup

While from a sales perspective, this time of year is what in German one would call “Saure Gurken Zeit” (lit. pickle time–the black hole during the summer when absolutely nothing is happening), we’re starting to ramp up for fall.

So far, three fall release dates are confirmed and another is pending:
Curtis Smith’s Sound + Noise will be released September 2nd, 2008, followed in October by Manna Francis’ Games & Players, the third book in the Administration Series, and an anthology with stories by many of our authors titled And Now for a Story… in November.

Side note on And Now for A Story: the cover (which doesn’t render nearly as well electronically as it does on the printed page, (hopefully) says the conceptual equivalent of “Once upon a time” in as many different languages as we could fit on there. I can only actually vouch for this being spelled correctly in about 1/4 of them and was relying heavily on Wikipedia and various acquaintances for the rest. Let’s just say that doing a visual match in Arabic turned out to be so difficult, that during a dinner party, I pushed the MacBook into the hands of one of my unsuspecting guests and, said “Please type ‘Kan ma Kan…’ out for me!”

On to author news: William Walsh has a new short story titled Dr. Maroon up at Flatmancrooked, fellow Sacramentan publishers. The first chapter of Curtis Smith’s Sound + Noise has just been published in Straightjackets Magazine, and the first two reviews for the novel are in as well. This one at Small Press Reviews, and this one at The Adirondack Review.

Finally, since we do not have merchandising rights for the cover image of Sound + Noise, we’ve updated the Cafepress Store with Games & Players merchandise.

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