Without Wax by William Walsh

Today, we are pleased to announce the release of three-time Pushcart nominee William Walsh’s debut novel, Without Wax. Interweaving traditional narrative with consumer profiles, faux interviews, court depositions, and a film script, this fictional biography provides an intriguing glimpse into the adult entertainment industry.

Here’s what the critics are saying:

“This is a book that is infinitely quotable, full of lines that are sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking, and often just drop dead sexy, all coming together to create a wide variety of surprising responses, an effect that Walsh pulls off again and again. After all, it’s not every book that can tug at your heartstrings while simultaneously trying to stiffen your shorts.”
Matt Bell, Fiction and Other Writing Blog, March 18, 2008

Without Wax is full of the electric, the taboo, the sadly bizarre. There’s no doubt Walsh knows what he’s doing, and that he’s willing to go wherever necessary to find and render something new.”
–Blake Butler, Rain Taxi Review of Books, Issue #49: Vol. 13, No. 1, Spring 2008

“This is a well-written and thoughtful book about a subject that most people have a knee jerk reaction to…If you’re willing to be as honest with yourself as the book is, you might just find yourself thinking about the adult film industry in a different light.”
Richard Marcus, Blogcritics.org, February 21, 2008

Interested in finding out more about Without Wax? Check out the product page and sample chapter.

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