Happy Feasting!

Technically, I’m on vacation this week, though nobody has noticed so far, since I haven’t actually pried my fingers off the keyboard long enough.

Mindful of the fact that I am theoretically not working, I did take some time off yesterday to go to our local SPCA’s biannual fundraiser book sale and returned with whole paper grocery bags full of books. While I was putting the finishing touches on the cover of the March release and uploading it to the printer, the SO got started reading and is currently on chapter 14 of the first book. Methinks we didn’t buy enough to last us until the May sale.

In the meantime, I’ve caught up on orders and e-mail and everything else that needed to be done this morning, and I will step away from the computer now until some time this evening. I’m even wearing my determined face.

My somewhat longer-term plans include to vacation further by holding a basting spoon in one hand and a manuscript I’m currently reading in the other come turkey day–though in this house that day actually involves roast lamb and other Greek delicacies, since the designated cooks (the SO and myself) broadly fall into the categories of Cretan and raised in Athens.

Most importantly though, our next major manuscript review session will be over the Christmas break, which means that if you’ve been thinking of querying us, now would be a good time to get started on that process. We’re reading mostly for spring 2009 at this point, with one slot left for fall 2008, and I have approximately 48 hours of flight time lined up between December 21st and January 6th, so I should be able to get through a fair number of manuscripts.

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