A Great Start for the New Year!

Well, now that the holidays are over, it’s time to focus on books again. Technically, we didn’t stop working over the holidays, of course, but we were taking it just a little bit easy, right until January 1st, when everybody got to help in the 12-hour year-end-close marathon with extra hair-pulling caused by the fact that California, it being broke and all, decided to change its sales tax rate halfway through the year, so that a tax return that usually takes all of five minutes took about two hours because we had to pull data we wouldn’t ordinarily collect. Ah, the joys of small business ownership!

And with the new year, Hoosier Life & Casualty got a great writeup in Nuvo here, and the Preditors and Editors Readers’ Poll is taking place again, allowing you to cast your vote for your favorite Casperian Books title until January 14th. The index to the voting pages can be found here.

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