Control by Manna Francis

We are pleased to announce the release of the fourth book in the Administration Series, Control by Manna Francis.

This volume contains the novellas Control and Coming from America and six other short stories, continuing the lives, loves, and occasionally intricate problems of dedicated and opportunistic para-investigator Val Toreth and up-and-coming corporate Keir Warrick in the near-future dystopia of the European Administration.

Like the title suggests, this one is all about power: gaining it, keeping it, or losing it, control is more than just a game–it’s a critical tool for survival. No more so than in the Administration, where the Investigation and Interrogation Division’s Val Toreth faces professional and personal hazards every day. And when an attack on one of the most loyal and valued members of his investigative team makes the professional very personal indeed, Toreth finds himself entangled once more in the darker side of corporate life and crime. He’ll need help, not just from his colleagues but from his “regular fuck” Keir Warrick, to make it out the other end safely.

Even away from their offices, Toreth and Warrick find that their jobs create challenges and tensions that threaten their relationship, because finding a balance is all about knowing when to keep control and when to let it go.

You can read the first chapter here.

Buy it now to avoid the increased shipping charges the US Postal Service will be visiting upon us on May 11th! (Click here for international orders.)

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