Author Archives: casperianbooks
Sybil Baker’s Interview
The MP3 of Sybil’s radio interview earlier this week can now be downloaded from her website by right-clicking here.
Appearances by Sybil Baker
Sybil has a radio interview airing tomorrow, February 25th, on WUTC Chattanooga, during the Around and About Show, which broadcasts at 10 a.m. Eastern and again at 2 p.m. Eastern. You can listen to it online here. Then, on March … Continue reading
Author Appearance: William Walsh
William Walsh will be reading on Wednesday, February 25th at 7:30 p.m. at 60nobscot‘s Waking Dream Press Reading Series at 60 Nobscot Road, Sudbury, MA 01776. Check it out if you can!
Valentine’s Day Sale!
As promised, I temporarily adjusted the prices loaded in PayPal for most of our inventory for a big one-day sale! These prices will stay in effect until I go to bed tonight or we run out of stock, whichever happens … Continue reading
Appearance by Sybil Baker
Forgot to mention this yesterday: Sybil is reading at AWP 2009 this Thursday, February 12, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. at The Book Cellar, 4736 North Lincoln Avenue, Chicago, IL. If you’re in the general area, why not check it out?
The Life Plan Book Trailer & Queries
There’s a great little trailer for Sybil Baker’s The Life Plan on YouTube now. Check it out! The other thing I’m a bit puzzled by is that over the past few weeks, we’ve requested manuscript samples from three different authors … Continue reading
Shipping and Valentine’s Day Promotion
The US Postal Service very sneakily raised its rates for international priority mail and domestic priority mail shipments, so we have adjusted our pricing for those services accordingly. Rates for media mail shipments in the United States remain the same, … Continue reading
Marketing Advice from Curt Smith
Since I often refer authors asking for marketing advice to Curt Smith, I asked Curt to write a short blog post detailing his marketing approach. Here it is: Curt Smith on Marketing So you’ve gotten your first manuscript accepted? Congratulations. … Continue reading
Preditors and Editors Readers’ Poll
Dad went a little crazy nominating Casperian Books titles and covers in the Preditors and Editors Readers’ Pollfor 2008, so please take a moment to vote for your favorite Casperian Books title and spread the word. Last year, we did … Continue reading
Happy New Year!
To anyone who thought that running a small press is all about reading, editing, and creating cool books, I have just one thing to say: I spent more than nine hours today submerged in year-end accounting and tax returns. On … Continue reading
Two Things
If any of our readers were planning to leave a (US) Amazon review for Quid Pro Quo, could you back up the text somewhere and then try to leave it and let us know? We’ve had a report that a … Continue reading
And Now for a Story…
Once upon a time, we asked authors with published or forthcoming novels from Casperian Books to contribute a short story representative of their writing to an anthology. The resulting ten short stories have been collected into a book titled And … Continue reading
The Tea House
In rather exciting news, The Tea House has been picked up by a major publishing house and the remainder of Casperian Books’ contract bought out. Congratulations, Paul! This means that we are currently in the process of removing The Tea … Continue reading
Our Best Sale Ever!
With the economy in the toilet and sales never quite recovering from the summer slump, we’re including every one of our titles in a Black Friday sale! Every book is $10 only while supplies last!
Sybil Baker read her short story “Dog House,” forthcoming in And Now for a Story… at the Meacham Writers’ Workshop last week. A free iTunes download/podcast is available if you go to this page and click on the “Subscribe to … Continue reading
Rock Dance by Jack Ballard Jr.
We are pleased to announce the release of Rock Dance by Jack Ballard Jr. In a small Colorado town, Dusty Palmberg spends his days rock climbing and volunteering with the local search-and-rescue organization. When an airplane goes down in the … Continue reading
Sound + Noise Readings
Curtis Smith has a bunch of readings scheduled in various Pennsylvania locations over the next couple of weeks: October 18th: speaking and reading at Push to Publish Conference, Rosemont College October 23rd: speaking and reading at Middletown Arts Collective, Middletown, … Continue reading
Paul Elwork has a new story up at SmokeLong Quarterly called How Anything Got Done. Jack Ballard, whose novel Rock Dance is coming out later this month, is a musician as well. Some of his music can be found here.
Sound + Noise Review
There is a very nice review of Sound + Noise in Gud Magazine.
Banned Books Week
It’s the American Library Association’s Banned Books Week, and the Guardian has up a little quiz to test your knowledge concerning book censorship. The ALA has also updated its challenged books list with 2007 records here, which is always an … Continue reading